Frequently Asked Questions

How Can We Help?

These are questions I have received many times, if you have other questions please reach out and I am happy to help in any way I can.

  • As a bookkeeper, my primary role is to help you maintain accurate financial records and provide financial information to assist in making informed business decisions. By providing accurate financial information, I can help you identify areas where you may be overspending or areas where you can improve your revenue.

  • I can streamline many of your administrative tasks, enabling you to focus in on reaching your specific goals.

  • How involved do you want your bookkeeper to be? My level of involvement in your business will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

  • A good bookkeeper will be like a business partner who has your business’ best interests at heart, working with you to create processes that work best for you.

  • We will build a system that works best for your business based on how much time you want to invest in managing your books versus what you want to outsource.

  • I am here to support you and your business in any way that I can. We can discuss the scope of the work in further detail and come up with a plan that works best for you.

  • I don’t like to talk about leaving before we have even gotten started, but if it’s not a good fit then of course!

  • If for any reason things do not work out and you are not satisfied with my services, we can discuss the issues and come up with a plan to address them. If the problems cannot be resolved, we can discuss ending our working relationship. It is important to me that you are satisfied with the services that I provide and I will always strive to find a solution that works for you.

  • You are the owner of your QuickBooks file so you can have confidence knowing that no matter what, that goes with you when you leave. You won’t have to pay someone to recreate a new file for you if you decide to leave.

  • No, though I will work with your tax professional in regards to your bookkeeping.

  • If you are seeking tax advice specifically, I am happy to make a recommendation for a tax professional.

If you are ready to get started, taking back control of your time and money, then click to schedule a free consultation.

Caring For Your books, So You Don’t Have To

Get back to your business